Saturday, July 14, 2012

My 1st Blog..

Here we go, this is my 1st blog!  I'm not quite sure where to start... So bare with me, please! I will try to get better as I post more... This 1st one may have alot of babbling going on in it.

This year has flown by... Our family of 3 turned into a family 4 on August 19th of last year, it's hard to believe that August 19th is approaching & quickly! I have got to get a jump on this party planning! Of course I have all my ideas lined out, thank to pinterest! But, I still have to get all of the decorations & still book the venue! Yikes! Charleigh Kate is turning one! Wow, can you believe it? We sure can't! She sure has changed things around here... As if it wasn't already fun with BIG sister Marlee! They are two peas in a pod let me tell ya! CK adores her big sister, you can see it in her eyes when she looks at her, Marlee is so good with her! CK follows her around like a little shadow, BIG sis doesn't seem to mind, most of the time! Im getting pretty excited about Charleighs 1 year pictures with the wonderful Mrs. Wendy L. White - Marlee is super excited about baking & decoration the smash cake for her little sisters pictures! It's going to be fun & a mess! Okay, I could go on & on about this.. Time to move on to a new subject... Miss Marlee Mac is getting older & will be starting pre school in August too, geez it's going to be a crazy month! She is so excited, mainly about making friends & getting to eat in the cafeteria haha! Shes so funny! Marlee recently was surprised with 2 guinea pigs LUCY & OREO. Cody & I were hoping this would teach her some responsibility, & it has! She cleans their bedding, makes sure they have fresh food & water everyday, she also gets them out to play! We have to extra careful with them because Charleigh will beat them to death if we let her get to close, haha.. She means well, but doesn't quit understand yet that smacking isn't ok, especially on little innocent animals! 

Okay lets bring this to a close, I told you there would babbling going on... It's my 1st time! 

I must share one more story before I go... 

Cody, & I said bed time prayers with Marlee & she said.. repeat after me "Dear God, thank you for this family, & thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for our sins, I love you - Amen" I've never been more proud of her!

& Good Night Friends

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